Glee - episode21 Funk
2010. 9. 26. 23:18
Another One Bites The Dust - Vocal Adrenaline
Jesse, Vocal Adrenaline으로 되돌아가다. 그리고 그들이 최고임을 보여주는데...
'Another One Bites The Dust' by Queen (1980)
Tell Me Something Good - Will
Tell Me Something Good - Will
Will, Sue 선생을 유혹하다...ㅋㅋㅋ
'Tell Me Something Good' by Rufus and Chaka Khan (1974)
Loser - Finn and Puck
Loser - Finn and Puck
'Looser' by Beck (1993)
It's a Man's Man's Man's World - Quinn
Funky한 면을 보여주기 위한 Quinn의 선곡...
'It's a Man's Man's Man's World' by James Brown (1966)
Good Vibrations - Puck, Finn and Mercedes
Good Vibrations - Puck, Finn and Mercedes
'Good Vibrations' by Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch (1991)
Give Up the Funk - New Directions
Vocal Adrenaline에 그들이 하지 못하는 것을 보여주다.
'Give Up the Funk' by Parliament (1976)